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You feeding young or old, male or female, black or white, was born in velvet or poor come ... it does not matter. Creator which is fair, non-discriminatory and impartial one. Itself is basically every person to decide the success of her anywhere.


According to Brian Tracy - author of "Success summit," the business of them, those futuristic predictions that humanity is entering a Golden Age. This is probably the best time for you to achieve greater success, freedom, happiness and financial independence.

"I was born in Canada in 1944. My parents are good people and work very hard but we seem never abundance. Growing up, I still remember my parents had repeatedly said the sentence: "We can not afford that". No matter what that is, we will not be able to afford. My parents lived through the Great Depression and they never escape from worries about money silver, "wrote Brian Tracy.

Upon entering his teens, he first recognized that there are many wealthy families lived. They have a nice, new clothes and good cars. They do not have to worry too much about money as his family, and can buy things that my family did not even dream about. "It is at this time, I began to ask:" Why are some people more successful than others? "He said.

"I began to wonder why some people earn more money, relationships and a happy family, living in beautiful homes and are generally found much joy and satisfaction in life than others.

When this question arose, I was thinking a lot about it, because I have wasted the time. I've been called a "loser". I became an idiot in class. I socialize with bad kids. I always scream loudly to try to attract attention and, ultimately, no one I preferred.

It is said that each person has a certain strengths, even in the bad example. That was me. I have always been parents and teachers as an example to warn: "If the child / game does not change, fish / game will end up like Tracy."

At 16, I had first discovered his life changed. One day, I began to realize that if I want to change something, then it totally depends on me. If I do not like to live in misery, hated by everyone and is constantly in trouble myself to do something. I started looking for answers to questions: "Why are some people more successful than others?"

After dropping out of school and do the leg work hand in a few years I have saved some money and go traveling galaxy.

I used to go and work in more than 80 countries on six continents. I fall into the situations and experiences that everyone can not imagine. I dropped spinach poor, nothing to eat and countless times has slept outdoors in distant countries.

I used to be in nice hotels, eating at the restaurants in major cities around the world. At times, I was the senior executive for a company with a capital of up to 265 million dollars. I met four presidents and three prime minister. After setting a goal is to have dinner with U.S. president, less than six months later, my wife and I have made that goal.

Over the years, each time looking back, I have learned so many lessons and one of the most important lesson is "You can not achieve the goals that you do not see. You can not make things nice good in life if you have no idea about them. First of all you have to completely understand what you want, if you want to explore the extraordinary potential in yourself. "

I've met and talked with many successful people and they all have one thing in common. They know exactly what he wants. They have clear picture about the life and achievements ideally want to achieve. This becomes a powerful force push them forward. The realization of the objectives derived from the collective set goals from the beginning.

You have to decide whether his life would be like if you turn it into a masterpiece. Here are seven factors to success.


Peace of mind: The first element and prominent in the seven factors to success is peace of mind. It is the best of man. Because it is that you should strive to achieve all my life. At certain times, you should evaluate whether you are doing by how well the level of peace of mind that you get.

Peace of mind is the gyro inside you. When you live in harmony with the highest value and absolute faith - when your life perfectly balanced - you get peace of mind. If for any reason that you lower the value itself, or go against the instructions inside, the peace of mind is the first element is affected.

In companies, the serenity of mind is measured by the level of harmony among co-workers together. Companies with higher revenue and profit are companies where people feel good yourself. They feel safe and happy in their work. They can be busy, even rotating spiral with the work but they feel at peace in her heart.

Principles to achieve inner peace must become the central organizing principle in your life. It must become the highest goal, and all other objectives are secondary. In fact, you only succeed when you're happy, satisfied and feeling healthy, in a word, it is peace of mind.

For a while, the idea aimed at achieving personal happiness has made me very confused and worried. The foundation of my religion made me always believe happiness can not be decided by personal choice and behavior.

Conversely, people told me that happiness is merely side-effects of making others happy. If I'm happy, everyone said it was luck. Otherwise, it was because of my fate. The idea of ​​happiness is set specific targets of themselves be regarded as selfish and lack compassion.

Important turning point came to me when I learned two things. Firstly, I understand that if I am not trying to win his happiness to man, do it. If the goal in my life just to make other people happy, I'll just always fun the fun of others. And I realized that, to try to organize my life revolves around helping other people happy is a tedious job and never finish, because it is not possible.

Second, I noticed I can not give away what you do not have. I can not make someone happy in their own misery. As Abraham Lincoln once said: "You can not help poor people poor by becoming like them." I realized that, I can not make others happy if first, I can not make yourself happy.

Peace of mind is very important that it must undergo rigorous analysis. It come from? It exists under what conditions? What should you do to achieve more?

Put most simply, you will experience the happiness and peace of mind every time you completely get rid of negative emotions, like fear, anger, doubt, guilt, resentment and anxiety. When no longer the feeling that, naturally you will feel peace of mind, no need to try to see. Key to happiness is to eliminate or at least minimize the factors that cause negative feelings or stress.

When you put peace of mind as a goal and plan for everything you do, you'll never make mistakes. You will only do and say the right things. You will feel wonderful. Peace of mind is the key to open it.


Health and vitality: If the peace of mind is a mental state is natural and normal health and vitality is the natural state of our body and your normal.

Your body naturally biased health. It can easily produce a lot of energy without the intervention of physical and mental. And extraordinary health exists when no longer any pain, illness or disease. It's great that your body is formed in a way that you only need to stop doing certain things, it will recover, become healthy and energetic.

If you get everything in the physical world, but lose health or peace of mind, then you will have little, if not happy with what was achieved.

Imagine you are a great health. Imagine how you would see if you have a good shape? You look like? You feel like? How much you weigh? What foods do you eat and what types of physical files? You do, more or less?


Emotional relationships: The third element of success is the emotional relationship. It is a relationship with someone you love, attention and they love and care about you. They are the measure is how well people. Most of happiness and unhappiness in life comes from relationships with others and itself to help you become truly human.

Basic characteristics of a perfect man is capable of entering into and maintaining lasting relationships with friends and intimate relationships with others. Essence of your personality expressed through the way you live in harmony with others and how they live with you.

Almost any time you can also identify good that you are doing in your relationships with a simple test: laughter. Two people, or a family, laughing together how long is a measure of simple and sure way to know everything is going how, when a relationship truly happy, we laugh together a lot when they are together. And when a relationship goes bad, it is first lost smile.

The same is true with other companies. The company thriving and highly profitable where there are people laughing together. They loved people and loved his work. They work in groups to flowing and fun. They are optimistic, more open to new ideas, their creativity and flexibility.


Financial Independence: Financial Independence means you have enough money to not always worry about it, most people still like that. Money is not the source of all sin, but lack of money is the root of all sin.

Over 80% of the population obsessed with money problems. They think and worry about money when you wake up, eat breakfast and throughout the day. They talk and think about money throughout the evening. This is not a fun lifestyle and healthy. It does not lead to the best of what you can do.

Money is very important. When I put it in fourth place in the list of success factors, it is necessary elements to achieve the above three factors. Most anxiety, stress, anxiety and the loss of peace of mind are so worried about money these triggers. Many health problems also result from stress and worry about money. Many problems in the relationship also stems from concerns about money, and one of the main causes of divorce is the disagreement revolves around money issues. Therefore, you should be promoting the energy and talent to the extent that you can earn enough money to not have to worry about it.


The ideal and worthwhile goals: Thursday factors of success is the ideal and worthwhile goal. According to Dr. Viktor E. Frankl, author of the book Man's Search for Meaning (The search for the meaning of humanity), the effort deep in your subconscious mind is the need to have meaning and purpose in life. To achieve true happiness, you need to have a sense of direction. You need a commitment to something bigger and more important than yourself. You need to feel that your life represents something, that you have made important contributions to the world of you in one way or another.

Happiness is defined as "the constant awareness of a worthy ideal." You just happy to constantly do things truly important to themselves. Think about the types of activities and accomplishments that you most enjoy. In the past, when most happy, what did you do? Kinds of activities give you the greatest sense of meaning and purpose of life?


Self-understanding and self-awareness: Friday element of success is self-understanding and self-awareness. Throughout history, the ability to understand I was happy in parallel with the inner and outer achievement. The phrase "People understand their own" is derived from ancient Greece. To show his best, you need to know who he was and why I think and feel that way. You need to understand the forces and influences that form your character from childhood. You need to know why you react and respond to such people and situations around you. Only when you understand and accept yourself, you can start progress in other areas of life.


Perfecting ourselves: Saturday factor is the feeling of success improve themselves. This is the sense you are becoming human as you are likely to become. Psychologist Abraham Maslow calls this "ability to show his full potential." He said that it is a critical component in most healthy people, the happiest and most successful in our society.

The seven factors determine the success will bring you a series of goals to accomplish. When you define your life as the ideal, when you have the courage to decide exactly what you want, that's when you start exploring the potential to lead to success. In the next chapter, you'll learn a method of thought and action has been demonstrated. You can use this method to achieve any goal that you set out. But the first step and most importantly you must know where you want to end.


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  • cốc giấy – ly giấy –  túi giấy uống nước APC